Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mario and Luigi

Tony loves dressing up in costumes, and since his current obsession is Super Mario Bros. he of course has been begging for a Mario AND Luigi costumes. He had his eye on this overpriced one, but I didn't want to pay that much and they look super chea[.
For around $15 I was able to make both costumes. This was really easy, I only needed to make one pair of overalls and was able to purchase everything else. I know he's gonna be wearing these costumes all summer so I went with short sleeve T-shirts. I used Mccalls M5955 for the overalls and I just painted the hats with fabric paint.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

mario time

We're gearing up for a Super Mario Bros. themed birthday party for a certain soon-to-be 6 year old. I have been picking things up here and there for the birthday boy but one thing I spotted online that I really wanted to get him was out of my price range. These hand painted shoes are amazing, but at $225 not ideal.
 I have a drawer full of fabric paint so I picked up a pair of shoes and decided to have a go. I'm not the best hand painter but hopefully my  little guy who will outgrow them before he can realize how shoddy my painting skills are.